
Celestavia Intermodal Consortium

You are hereby formally invited to become a founding member of the Celestavia Intermodal Consortium.  As a member, you will have the first opportunity to bid on the construction of the most technologically advanced future transportation systems that will eventually replace most, if not all, current forms of transportation.  Since transportation is one of the fundamental industries of civilization, securing a role in its future development could be a sure path to success in your industry.  This is especially true as this consortium will be a focal point for the convergence of a plethora of exciting but disruptive technologies that will replace the old.

We are looking for consortium members in the following areas:

    • Tall building design and construction
    • Traffic simulation software
    • Artificial Intelligence Software
    • Security systems and services
    • 5G-6G cell tower equipment suppliers
    • Internet and mobile service providers
    • Electrical Power Plant and Equipment Manufacturer
    • Metal structure manufacturing
    • Last mile 4×4 autonomous vehicles
    • Automated warehouse system
    • Drone delivery system
    • Legal Services
    • New legislation specialist
    • Marketing Services
    • Financing of large projects
    • Operator

As a member of the Consortium, you will be able to offer the services of other members as a package in your proposals.  The focus for us as founders of the consortium is our Personal Mass Transit System called Celestavia.  A Celestavia system is about 50% Celestavia-provided equipment and 50% construction of high-rise buildings, small stations, and the installation of towers and cables.  In addition, Celestavia’s towers provide a platform for the transportation of power lines, fiber optic communication cables, 5G cells in each tower, solar and wind power, and much more.   As you can see, a Celestavia installation includes a network with plenty of room for your products and services, which is the reason for forming a consortium of related companies rather than just building Celestavia alone.

In the future, we plan to expand the consortium into various new forms of transportation, such as air-taxi services, autonomous river transportation systems, and even rocketry.

Our initial customers are primarily government municipalities and large mining companies.  Projects range from $200M to many billions of dollars.

If you’re interested, let’s set up a time for a call to answer your questions and hear your suggestions and needs.




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